WhistleForm Features
The high-end WhistleForm features are designed to allow you to communicate with the complainants at any time, while he/she stays anonymous. This makes it easier to manage any of the complaints, while at the same time complying with EU regulations.

Complaints Form
For Whistleblowers

Administrator Panel
For Admins and Managers

Complaints Follow-Up
For Whistleblowers
Complaints Form
The complaints form can be used by your employees, your customers, or whoever you decide to target, to send notifications about problems or potential risks within your company.
Anonymous complaints
Password protected
Different languages supported
Match your company branding
Responsive design

Management Platform
With this dashboard, superadmins, admins, and managers view and edit complaints, and communicate with the complainants. Superadmins can also create extra complaints channels.
Manage Multiple Channels
Manage multiple complaints channels in a structured manner, for instance if you belong to a law firm that runs companies' compliance.
Get more insight in the received complaints, the management process and developments over time in a glance.
Two-factor Authentication
If you wish so, increase your channel's security even further by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for your channel's users.
Email notifications
Be up-to-date about the activity within your channel, even without logging in, by enabling your preferred email notifications.