Category Archives: Whistleblowing

Home Archive by category "Whistleblowing"
Whistleblower day

June 23, World Whistleblower Day

According to the latest report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, whistleblowing channels provide up to 40% of the evidence needed to prevent irregularities (ahead of 14% or 3% of internal and external audits, respectively). But whistleblowing channels alone do not make sense without w...
Canal de denúncies per a empleats

Què és el Whistleblowing?

Quan parlem de denúncies, o whistleblowing, ens referim a informar sobre una determinada acció, comportament o esdeveniment. Aquests actes poden infringir la normativa interna o externa, l’ètica o la legislació vigent. Es pot pensar en frau, abusos i corrupció com a exemples d’actes importa...
Interne communicatie via online klokkenluiderskanaal

Waarom een online klokkenluiderskanaal?

Naast het eenvoudige beheer, maakt het gebruik van een online klokkenluiderskanaal het informeren van de klokkenluider over de ontvangst, status en oplossing van hun melding tot een eenvoudig en grotendeels geautomatiseerd proces. Sommige online klokkenluidersinstrumenten omvatten ook een veilige in...
Online whistleblowing channel internal communication

Why an Online Whistleblowing Channel?

In addition to the easier management, using an online whistleblowing channel makes informing the whistleblower about the reception, status, and resolution of their complaint a simple and in large part automated process. Some online whistleblowing tools also allow for secure internal communication wi...
Whistleblowing channel employees

What is Whistleblowing?

When we talk about whistleblowing, we mean informing about, or reporting, a certain action, behavior, or event. These acts might violate internal or external regulations, ethics, or current legislation. You can think about fraud, abuse, and corruption as examples of acts that are important to notify...